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Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

SKADI continuously collects security and event data in real-time from across your organization’s IT infrastructure. This includes data from on-premises (on-prem) devices, the cloud, IOT devices, remote systems, and mobile devices.

What services do you not provide?

SKADI is in the cyber defense field, and cannot provide individual user support or generalized IT support. However, SKADI can and will answer any and all questions you have related to cybersecurity and is proud to be your trusted partner!

We are a small business with few computers, can SKADI protect me?

Yes! We love working with all customers, small and large.

What threats do you detect?

SKADI detects a wide range of cyber threats, including (but not limited to) identifying abnormal trends, discrepancies, or other indicators of compromise (IoCs) from collected data. Potential threats are categorized by severity and evaluated to determine whether they are actual threats your organization should be concerned about. Automated detection tools is used to isolate real threats.

What is the response time?

SKADI has a wide range of customer tailored response times to cyber threat, but generally takes immediate action to respond to incidents and deploy appropriate mitigation measures to address the threat.

Do I need to protect all my devices?

Even a single unmonitored device is an opportunistic target for cyber criminals, and as such SKADI requires that all your devices have SKADI protection.
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