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Protect Your Organization From Cyber Threat

SKADI Cyber Defense offers cost-effective, fully managed cybersecurity services powered by a blend of proprietary technology and skilled human experts. Our proactive response strategy and simultaneous monitoring of multiple threat vectors ensures swift action against threat actors, preventing unauthorized data access and intellectual property theft.
Fully Managed Security
Operations Center
Services that manage and monitor logs, devices, clouds, network and assets for your organization from a security lens.
Threat Intelligence
and Reporting
Our in-depth reporting provides you with the knowledge about how your organization is protecting reputational risk across the deep, dark web.
Skadi can consult with your existing cybersecurity posture to assist with hardening your environment.
Penetration (PEN) Testing
We will perform non-intrusive penetration testing in your environment to find security holes and rectify them.
Investigation and
Incident Response
If you've been the victim of a cyber crime we can help you get back to normal operations.
Vulnerability Scanning
Our platform will continually monitor your assets to ensure the latest security patches are applied.


Cyber Security Services and Consultation

Contact us for a custom quote!


Fully managed and maintained Cyber Security Operations Centre


Compliance Consulting
Cyber Security Consulting
Threat Intelligence and Reporting
Human Resources
Threat Intelligence Reporting
Threat hunting and PEN Testing
Incident Response and Investigation
Vulnerability Scanning and Reporting
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